
《大学英语二》课程介绍 高职大学英语是高职学生必修的公共英语课程,《新编实用英语二》由高教社出版,教材以职场交际为目标,以应用为目的培养学生实际应用英语的能力,特别是听说能力,使他们能在日常活动和与未来职业相关的业务活动中进行一般的口头和书面交流掌握有效的学习方法,增强自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养;为他们提升就业竞争力及今后的可持续发展打下良好的基础。 课程内容设计: 序号 单元名称 子单元名称 项目1 第1-2周 Applying for the reception job 1.1 Making Resume 1.2 Writing application letters 1.3 Interview etiuette 1.4 Taking an interview 项目2 第3-4周 Making invitations 2.1 Introducing the project 2.2 Inviting by email 2.3 Inviting by telephone 2.4 Taking message 项目3 第5-6周 E-mail 3.1 Writing E-mail 3.2 Surfing information about the cultural difference 项目4 第6-7周 Communication by phone 4.1 Talking on the phone 4.2 Taking telephone message 4.3 Telephone changes our life 项目5 第8-9周 Hotel service 5.1 Reserving room on phone 5.2 Reserving room online 5.3 Filling in reservation form/cards 5.4 Checking in at a hotel Reserving a table 项目6 第10-11周 Having dinner at a restaurant 6.1 Culture and etiquette about eating in different culture 6.2 Making menu 6.3 Reserving table 6.4 Odering food 项目7 第12-14周 Shopping and sightseeing 7.1 Understanding ads. 7.2 shopping and Introducing local goods 7.3 Unstanding sightseeing book 7.4 Going sightseeing 项目8 第15-16周 Biding a farewell 8.1 Making farewell speech 8.2Checking out 8.3 Seeing off at the airport 8.4 Writing afarewell lette

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  • 徐萍发布了新的作业6
  • 徐萍发布了新的作业5
  • 徐萍发布了新的作业4
  • 徐萍发布了新的作业3
  • 徐萍发布了新的作业2 listen and match
  • 徐萍发布了新的作业1 listen and match